Never run out of lead again!
Students from grade school through law school can agree on one thing, there is never enough lead for mechanical pencils. This refill center was designed to give students a ‘one-stop shop’ for various sizes of pencil lead. Base-graphics point out advantages of each size of lead offered.

Great. Lightweight. Paper Mate.
Designed as a roll-about product showcase, this four sided shelving unit features one side per brand of Paper Mate pen. Header graphics point customers to the various brands. Constructed from lightweight steel tubing and vacuum formed plastic product holders – the display looks big but comes in a rather small package!
Pencil it in.
Intended to hook into vertical beams of office store racking, this rather small merchandiser combines product showcasing and aisle violator graphics to a T. Pens and pencils are often purchased as impulse items. This display aims to be in front of the customer right at that moment when they remember, ‘I need more pens!’.